Which operations of a routing or recipe in R/3 or ERP are transferred to APO PPMs?
When PPMs are created in APO from Receipes in R/3 only those phases containing non-zero machine times are brought over. Other phases having only labour (resource category 003) or machine time (resource category 001) = 0 does not come through.
What determines the validity period of a resource in liveCache?
CFC9 parameter in R/3 does not set the From/to validity date for Resources when Work Centres are CIFed from R/3 to APO. Actually that is set as per entry in table /SAPAPO/RESLCT - Length of Time Stream or Bucket Vector in liveCache.
What needs to be done to debug CIF related enhancements?
In order to debug CIF related user exits or other CIF queues, set the R/3 RFC user (e.g. STGUSER) to Dialog user and then set queues to Debugging On/Record T/QRFCs in the transaction CFC2 in R/3. This is for queues coming inbound to APO. For queues coming inbound to R/3 set the APO RFC user id (e.g. APSUSER)
How can transaction data be reconciled with APO from R/3 or ERP side?
Program RCIFORDT can be used to reconcile transaction data form R/3 side. Refer 733110 - as a long term solution implement this BADI on APO side
OSS Notes 627630, 804034 on R/3 side and with the BADI OSS note 800286 to be applied
Which table stores Change Pointers in ERP or R/3?
The table BDCPV is to store Change Pointers in both APO and R/3.
Refer OSS Note 329110.
Which report can be used to clear Change Pointers in ERP or R/3?
Program RBDCPCLR can be used to clear change pointers from the Change Pointer table. The message type CIFSRC is for changes to Source of Supply (i.e. Purchasing Inforecords). The CIF Change Transfer program (CFP1) can fail due to a large number of records in the Change Pointer table. Other message types are CIFMAT for material, CIFVEN for Vendor Master, CIFCUS for Customer master.
What is Customer Consignment Stock and how is it transferred to APO?
Consignment stock at Customer is stock at customer premises but owned by the supplier. Prerequisite to have Consignment Stock at Customer is Customer as a Location and Product Master at that Customer Location. To transfer Customer Consignment Stock from ERP to APO both "Customer" and "Special Stock at Customer" should be part of an Integration Model during Initial Transfer. For Consignment Stock Batches "Storage Location Stock" object must be included in the Integration Model.
Reference: Note 409298
What is Vendor Consignment Stock and how is it transferred to APO?
Vendor Consignment stock is stock at the plant location and treated as normal storage location stock but owned by vendor. Vendor Consignment Stock is transferred from ERP to APO as part of "Storage Location Stock" Integration Model. However the Vendor must be part of an active
Integration Model.
How is Stock information stored in APO?
Stock in SCM APO system (upto 4.1) consists of Stock Anchor stored in Database and Stock Item stored in liveCache. The liveCache Consistency Check (transaction /SAPAPO/OM17) carries out the consistency check between the APO Database and liveCache. It should be executed periodically to delete obsolete stock anchors from the database.
Reference: Note 492591
As of SCM 5.0 Stock information is stored in liveCache table /SAPAPO/STOCKANC.
Reference: Note 837744
What are the userexits for Integration of Stocks?
On R/3 side the userexit is enhancement CIFSTK01 while on APO side it is enhancement APOCF011. The source code in the userexit should be copied to the CIF Compare/Reconcile Report (Delta Report) BAdI (method RELEVANT_FOR_COMPARE_R3_STOCK of BAdI definition /SAPAPO/CIF_DELTA3) for correctness of the report.
Reference: Note 492591
How is Inspection Lots handled in APO?
From SCM 4.0 Inspection Lots are separate objects in APO retaining the end dates. Hence Inspection Lots quantities does not shows up as Stock in Quality Inspection.
How is Cross-company Stock In Transit handled in APO?
Cross-company Stock In Transit is determined dynamically in R/3 and hence not transferred to APO. In APO Stock In Transit at the receiving plant can be handled by transferring Inbound Shipping Notification or Goods Confirmations from R/3.
What is the Data Load for Transaction Data that the CIF can typically handle in a day?
"It Depends" (need better answer here)