This example demonstrates creation of Alerts for New Purchase Orders received in SAP SNC and sending E-Mail Alerts to the Supplier informing him about the new PO created in SNC.
For Configuring a Supplier Collaboration Scenario specific E-Mail Alerts, we need to configure a Message profile with the information of Fields which needs to be sent in an E-Mail.
For Creating Message Profile from SAP Easy Access Menu of SCM (SNC), use the following path.
SAP Menu -> SCM Basis -> Alert Notification Engine -> Settings -> Create/Change Message Profile or T.Code "/SCMB/ANOTMP" as shown in the following fig.

In the Change view Click "New Entries" Button to create a new Message Profile.

Create the Message Profile with the details as shown below.

After Creating Message Profile, add parameters to Profile by selecting the Message Profile and clicking on "Message Parameters" in left side tree. Click New Entries and add Parameters.

After Creating Message Profile, create Alert Profile using Alert Monitor using the following menu Path.
SAP Menu -> SCM Basis -> Alert Monitor -> Alert Monitor or T.Code "/SAPAPO/AMON1".

In the following screen, select the Button "Overall Profile" to create Alert Notification Profile and Alert Profile.

In the next screen, Use menu Option Goto -> Automatic Messaging

In the Create/Change Alert Notification Profile, click "Generate New Profile" button.

Provide the name and parameters for Alert Notification profile as shown below.

After creating Alert Notification Profile, Click the "Confirm Profile" Button.

Click "Back" button or Function key F3 and create Alert Profile as shown below.
Provide a name for Alert Profile and select the tab "SNC-SMI". In the Alert types, select Purchase Order and check the items New Purchase Order Item, Change Purchase Order Item checkboxes. Click the "Save SNC-SMI Alert Profile" button under Application Specific Alert Profile.

After creating Alert Profile, the Profile needs to be applied to Suppliers using web UI of SNC using the following Menu Path.
SAP Menu -> Supply Network Collaboration -> Web UIs for SAP SNC -> Special Views -> Customer View or T.Code "/SCA/ICH_C".

Log on to web UI by providing ID and password. Select the Alert Monitor under Menu "Exceptions". In the Alert Monitor screen, select the button next to button "Reset" and select option "Save as" as shown below.

In the pop up window provide a Name and select "Partner-Specific" from the dropdown list and click "OK" Button.

Select Supplier Number, Alert Category and Alert Type as shown below and "SAVE" the selection as shown below.

After creating the Selection variant, click "Set Notification" button to create Profile.

Provide the details like E-Mail ID, Message Profile, and Minimum Priority as shown below and click "Save".

After this configuration, the profile can be tested by sending a Purchase Order to SNC. As soon as SNC receives Purchase Order and E-Mail will be triggered and sent out to Supplier informing him about the new Purchase order received in SNC.